Back from Greece!

Compiled with cherry tomatoes cut in half, fresh basil leaves and purslane plucked from the garden. The tomatoes were also picked from a nearby garden by a very good neighbour who loves to share the wealth, thank goodness for us. The best tomatoes I have ever had! The cherry tomatoes were of a sort that is native in Santorini.
Added to the salad was a cheese which defies description: also made by our neighbour, this was a sweet, saltless goat's milk cheese, which I diced, floured and lightly fried (we were advised that this was the best way to enjoy this particular nameless cheese). I think it was a fun addition, sort of made the whole salad look like it's enriched with cheese croutons.
The salad was properly tossed by hand and adding olive oil, vinegar, salt and a touch of freshly ground pepper. I can smell the basil reading this! Or maybe it's because of the basil seeds resting on my desk, waiting fofr the right opportunity for planting to come along.
Great starter salad!