The devil's dessert

They're British. I'm Greek. In Sweden. I can't have them! I am desperate. This is probably the tastiest, most sinful chocolatey and marshmallowy little sugary seductress I have ever tasted. And I don't throw these terms around lightly, you know! It's a sin they're not available here...
Yay! that was a long time for research;) how did you find out how they are called?
I actually read the name in a book, believe it or not! It just all clicked in my mind...
hey! those are 'tête de nègre'!! i won't translate as it is a very politically incorrect name ;)
and btw i ran across some in the grocery store the other day and thought of you... they're not called that anymore, i guess even the french have gone pc
Do the ones you mean have that chewy biscuit at the bottom as well??
I'll trade ya something yummy!
How do you feel about fig and onion compote with balsamico??
Homemade. Great with cheese.
Hey you know, I am in Britain.Tea cakes are everywhere, not just this brand. I could send you some if you want them that much! (Really!) I do have a DEEP understanding of culinary obsessions and their importance for our wellbeing. I am sure you understand. (Greetings from the Mourga blog ;-) )
Yeh. Tunnocks are Scottish :o)
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