The spirit of Easter according to swedes

Candy. Now that's what I'm talking about! And us greeks are still hung up on that little Jesus thing, pfft! :D
(Easter egg full of sugary goodness, including a suspiciiously creepy looking foamy white bird thingie, a black and white liquorice skull and a lollipop with a depiction of the 3 cute karamellpojkarna, the candy boys)
dear Nina,
Don't you miss the simple all red eggs in a small basket that we traditionaly have in Greece.
The swedish easter things seem so non-easter to me! Well, not for the Swedes anyway!
ps1. I missed your colorfull pictures all theese days !
ps2. Can I comment your posts in Greek? It's rather difficult for me in English.
Honey, do it in zulu if you like!
And you know what, I don't have to miss it for too long because I will be coming down to celebrate Easter with the family. I wouldn't miss it!
Sorry for the long delay in posting.. Life sometimes gets in the way..
But seriously, from all the swedes I have met, it just doesn't seem that anyone is into the religious aspect at all.
By the way, your english is great :)
cute skull candy! it doesn't scream "Easter" to me though!
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