A night at the Opera

Königin der Nacht

Last night I had my first ever visit to the Opera. I saw the play that I have always wanted to start my operatic experience with: Die Zauberflöte. Needless to say it was an amazing experience. The building of Kungliga Operan in Stockholm was quite beautiful, but I do have to say that swedes did not rise to the occasion stylictically. It's the opera people! You might as well crank out those extra special clothes you've been saving and make it a special experience for you. I know I brought out the special occasion red lipstick I save for those events. Also, it would have helped if the lady sitting next to me (best seats in the house too, I beg your pardon! Well, best seats save for the ones reserved for the royal family I suppose..) hadn't slept through the whole show. I mean, really! I wanted to nudge her like Eric Idle, know what I mean? But I didn't. All in all, I nearly cried out with excitement even with the opening strings of the awesome overture! What amazing and imaginative combinations of instruments and notes. Truly a great musical arrangement. Words are superfluous when you talk about Mozart.
I do have to say that the build up for the aria of the Queen of the Night was pretty strong, but the soprano did not deliver. Parts of the music during the aria were slowed down to suit her, which is kind of unthinkable really, I mean I know it is probably the most difficult aria to belt out, but you can't simply slow down Mozart because you can't sing the song. Not to mention she had a cheat sheet. !! . You know? I just did not clap after that part, I was disappointed. Everyone else seemed to not have noticed anything though..
And here is a link to an older version of that amazing piece of music that is "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen". It is incredible! The quality of the recording below is a tad rough, but at the least the lady (Patricia Valdéz) delivers the goods in a spectacular manner!
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen
I know this had absolutely nothing to do with food in any way. Meh!
(link by http://www.musicosdemonterrey.com/musicos_ingles.htm)
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