Carrot cake ponderings

Doesn't this carrot cake look all sad, lying there on its side? (Not actual depiction, mine is still in the oven..)

I often bake when I get bored. It's the easy way out, I always have eggs, butter and flour around the house, so I take out my frustrations on cakes I will be besotted with when they come out of the oven, but whose popularity amongst the household's females in the age range of 19-25 will wane almost immediately. I get very easily bored of cakes. They always sound like a good idea, but their rather dry disposition makes them a not so favourite of mine. But I love to tinker in the kitchen, so baking is always a good pasttime.
I am always on the look-out for a good carrot cake recipe, because every recipe I encounter seems to be boring. I have tried everything, almonds, walnuts, coconut flakes, a variety of spices, individually and combined. Today I am trying a new ingredient which may work rather nicely: I grated some fresh ginger in the mix. I won't bore you with a detailed recipe: it is, after all, pretty much the most common recipe for cake on the net. My own addition will be simply to say, one must always experiment with ingredients other than the basics.
ps. While I was washing up my blender paraphernalia and my grater, I had the thought that tiny, miniscule pieces of ginger grate might get stuck in the grater, which would give the next couple of things I grate a faint fragrance of ginger too. I found the thought strangely comforting.
ps2. It's a big day for me, I finally got my name added on the door, so no more confusion for our mailman and you can send me fanmail now:P Or maybe not. Also in other news, I discovered I have finally mastered the art of liquid eyeliner application. Not really food- related, but a small victory, nonetheless. I'm off to celebrate with carrot cake!
Do u have the recipe for the carrot cake??
Here' s a nice link for you:) You can pick out the recipe you prefer this way.
And this is the recipe I used this time (although I've used different ones from the same page).
Hope you can find something to interest you!
The art of liquid eyeliner????
W O W ! ! !
I'm sooooo impressed ;)))
Actually, it'd be a great idea if you started a makeup blog with all sorts of tips and ints and stuff- what do u say?
I'm officially offering as your guinea-pig :PPPPP
Think about it!
mats mouts
haha thinking about it! Wanna make it a cooperative blog?
I tell you what, I found the BEST mascara I have ever tried a couple of days ago!
Rimmel Xtreme Volume with old school comb
You have to try it to believe it. Well, it works on short and rather thin eyelashes anyway. I don't think I've ever been this impressed with a mascara before.. As for the liquid eyeliner, it's good to start practicing with one of those cake eyeliners, which you use with a wet brush- easier to handle than the usual liquid eyeliners. :D
old school comb!!!!
Now thats what i call imagination in naming cosmetics ;)))
Too bad we dont have Rimmel here :((
.........or do we???
and by the way is it me or are we just a little off-topic here?
Gi'afto se lew-MAKEUP BLOG!!!
I am pretty sure we have Rimmel in Greece. We should!! And their prices are not too bad either.
And being off topic is allowed if I say so! :D
Now off to Hondos omr Sephora, I'm sure one of them has Rimmel!
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